Megger EVCC300

Electric Vehicle Charger Checker


Megger EVCC300

Electric Vehicle Charger Checker


The Megger EVCC300 Electric Vehicle Charger Checker introduces a convenient way of checking Electric Vehicle charge points. This unit provides an easy-to-use solution to check both the safety and operation of mode 2 and single phase mode 3 (level 1 and two phase level 2) EV chargers. The instrument is ideal for performing a check on an EV charge point as part of an inspection or maintenance program.

  • 4 EV Charger safety checks
  • 4 EV Charger operation checks
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In stock: 2 Units
  • Checks mode 2 and single phase mode 3 (level 1 and two phase level 2) chargers
  • Checks chargers with SAE J1772 Type 1 and Type 2 connectors
  • Performs four EV charger safety checks
  • Performs four EV charger operation checks
  • Checks to see if nuisance tripping or RCD/GFCI is likely to occur
  • Reads control pilot state response from EV Charger to IEC61852-1

The new EVCC300 introduces a new and convenient way of checking Electric Vehicle charge points. A simple all in one concept provides an easy to use solution to check both the safety and operation of mode 2 and single phase mode 3 (level 1 and two phase level 2) EV chargers. The instrument is ideal for those wishing to perform a check on an EV charge point as part of an inspection or maintenance program.

More Information
Country of OriginSerbia
Vendor Alias1013-576
  • 1 - EVCC300 Electric Vehicle Charger Checker
  • 1 - Continuity/earth bond lead
  • 1 - Blow molded case
  • 1 - EVA-T1 Type 2 to Type 1 connector adaptor