The Fluke Calibration 1523156 Single Channel Handheld Reference Thermometer is a versatile single-channel thermometers that measures, graphs and records three sensor types with one tool. Support for PRTs/RTDs, thermocouples, and thermistors provide flexibility to choose the right probe for the job.
The Fluke Calibration 1523-156 lets you handle field applications, laboratory measurements, and data logging with ease.
Make Accurate, Consistent Measurements Anywhere
Compliance, product yields, energy savings, and consistent results require accuracy. The 1523-156 uses current reversal, a technique used in high-end instruments that eliminates thermal EMFs, for precision temperature measurements. Specifications are guaranteed from -10 °C to 60 °C ambient. Special precision resistors and a highly stable reference voltage source keep 1523-156 accuracy virtually insensitive to environmental temperature.
The Fluke Calibration 1523-156 Reference Thermometer endures rigorous testing in temperature extremes and under harsh conditions of vibration, so that you can take it anywhere with confidence. An optional magnetic hanger allows you to hang the thermometer for easy viewing while freeing your hands to focus on the job.
Monitor Trends in the Lab or in the Field
See trends graphically on the 1523-156's 128 x 64-backlit LCD display. Change the graph's resolution with the touch of a button. Now it is easy to see when the temperature is stable (without statistics or long delays), or to monitor processes over time to verify correct operation.
Hold readings on the display at the touch of a button, or document up to 25 readings and associated statistics for easy retrieval. Statistics include the average maximum and minimum values, and the standard deviation. View them through the display or by uploading it to a PC via RS-232 connection and 9940 I/O TookKit software (included free). To monitor and log more data over time, use a PC and optional LogWare II software.
RS-232-to-USB adapters are available for those who prefer USB connectors. Battery power lasts at least 20 hours on three AA batteries, or use the DC power adapter for extended periods of measurement. Power saving features can be enabled or disabled for longer battery life or greater convenience.
INFO-CON Connectors Ensure Correct Temperature Conversion
Inside the INFO-CON, a memory chip keeps calibration information for the attached probe. Simply plugging in the probe uploads the information to the readout. The connector transfers this information to the 1523-156 automatically, ensuring the correct temperature conversion for accurate, hassle-free measurements.
Probes may be locked by password to specific channels and readouts for security or for system calibration traceability. Plug any thermocouple with mini-thermocouple jacks into an optional universal thermocouple adapter for convenient measurement. Each thermocouple adapter or standard connector supports reference junction compensation (RJC) with its own internal precision thermistor.