Tektronix Used MSO5104B-U

1 GHz, 4+16 Channel 10/5 GS/s Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, 50 M/25 M Record Length, Refurbished


Tektronix Used MSO5104B-U

1 GHz, 4+16 Channel 10/5 GS/s Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, 50 M/25 M Record Length, Refurbished


The Tektronix MSO5104B-U 1 GHz, 4+16-Channel, 10/5 GS/s (2/4 Channels) Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, 50 M/25 M Record Length provides exceptional signal fidelity, along with advanced analysis and math capabilities.

  • Channels: 4+16
  • Bandwidth: 1 GHz
  • Real-time sample rate (on one or two channels): 10 GS/s
  • Real-time sample rate (on all four channels): 5 GS/s
  • Channels: 4+16
  • Bandwidth: 1 GHz
  • Real-time sample rate (on one or two channels): 10 GS/s
  • Real-time sample rate (on all four channels): 5 GS/s
  • Record length (with MultiView zoom): 25 M (4 channels); 50 M (1 or 2 channels)
  • Capture rate (with FastAcq acquisition): >250,000 wfms/s
  • Capture rate (with FastFrame segmented memory acquisition mode): Up to 290,000 segments and >310,000 waveforms per second
  • >11 bits vertical resolution using HiRes sampling
  • User-selectable bandwidth limit and DSP filters for lower noise and better measurement accuracy
Key analysis features:
  • Wave inspector controls provide easy navigation and automated search of waveform data
  • Suite of advanced triggers, with standard Visual Trigger and Search
  • 53 automated measurements, selectable filtering, waveform math and FFT analysis
  • Waveform histogram, eye diagram, TIE (jitter/timing) measurement and analysis
  • User-definable math using MATLAB, Visual Studio and Excel
  • Optional analysis for memory, advanced jitter, serial data, power and Wideband RF
Key protocol features:
  • Trigger and decode options for mid-speed (100 Mb/s to 1 Gb/s) buses
  • Trigger and decode options for low-speed (<10 Mb/s) buses
  • Compliance test options for USB2.0, Ethernet, USB power, MOST, and Automotive Ethernet
  • Mask testing on communication, computing and video standards
  • Mixed signal design and analysis:
  • 16 digital channels (user upgradeable)
  • MagniVu high-speed acquisition provides 60.6 ps timing resolution on all digital channels
  • Automated triggering, decode, and search on parallel buses
  • Per-channel threshold settings

The Tektronix MSO5104B-U 1 GHz, 4+16-Channel, 10/5 GS/s (2/4 Channels) Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, 50 M/25 M Record Length provides exceptional signal fidelity, along with advanced analysis and math capabilities. Run Windows-based analysis software right on the oscilloscope. Point and click Visual Triggers enable users to capture complex signals with ease. The MSO5104B has 16 digital timing channels, and can be equipped to decode common serial protocols, providing a comprehensive view of the users systems.

See the Performance Difference

With 1 GHz analog bandwidth and sampling rates 10/5 GS/s (2/4 Channels), the MSO5104B ensures users have the performance needed to capture waveforms with the best possible signal fidelity and resolution for seeing small waveform details.

Fast Discovery

To debug a design problem, first users must know it exists. Every design engineer spends time looking for problems in their design, a time-consuming and difficult task without the right debug tools. The MSO5104B offers the industry's most complete performance to capture and isolate events, providing fast insight into the real operation of the device. Tektronix proprietary FastAcq technology delivers a fast waveform capture - greater than 250,000 waveforms per second - that enables users to see glitches and other infrequent transients within seconds, revealing the true nature of device faults. A digital phosphor display with color intensity grading shows the history of a signal's activity by using color to identify areas of the signal that occur more frequently, providing a visual display of just how often anomalies occur across all channels.

High Vertical Resolution

If the measurement requirement is to capture high-amplitude signals while seeing smaller signal details, the MSO5104B provides the acquisition flexibility needed to capture the signals of interest while removing the effects of unwanted noise. With HiRes acquisition vertical resolution can be increased to over 11 bits while reducing signal noise. Signal fidelity can be further increased by using channel input filters or applying a wide choice of DSP filters.

Long Record Length

With a 50 M/25 M record length, users can capture many events of interest, even thousands of serial packets, in a single acquisition for further analysis while maintaining high resolution to zoom in on fine signal details. For complex analysis like Time Interval Error (TIE) measurements the longer record length ensures users have enough data captured for handling clock recovery and creating jitter profiles. Unlike other oscilloscopes in its class, the MSO5104B provides flexible setup of both record length and sampling rate to ensure optimum resolution.

Segmented Memory

For more efficient data capture, partitioning of memory can extend the total time captured. FastFrame Segmented Memory mode enables users to select 290,000 memory segments with a trigger capture rate of over 310,000 triggers per second. Beyond memory flexibility, segments are time stamped and can be viewed individually or as an overlay and analyzed using advanced features like protocol decoding. Signals captured with FastFrame can also be post-processed using waveform averaging or envelope mode.

Mixed Signal Design and Analysis

The MSO5104B mixed-signal oscilloscope provides 16 digital channels. These channels are tightly integrated into the oscilloscope's user interface, simplifying operation and making it possible to solve mixed-signal issues easily. MSO functionality can also be added later as a user upgrade.

Color-Coded Digital Waveform Display

The MSO5104B has redefined the way users view digital waveforms. One common problem with other mixed-signal oscilloscopes is determining if data is a one or a zero when zoomed in far enough so that the digital trace stays flat all the way across the display. To avoid this problem, the MSO5104B has color-coded digital traces, displaying ones in green and zeros in blue.

The multiple transition detection hardware of the MSO5104B will show users when the system detects more than one transition. This indicates that more information is available by zooming in or acquiring at faster sampling rates. In most cases zooming in will reveal a glitch that was not viewable with the previous settings.

MagniVu High-Speed Acquisition

The main digital acquisition mode on the MSO5104B will capture 40 M points at 500 MS/s (2 ns resolution). In addition to the main record, the MSO5104B provides an ultra-high-resolution record called MagniVu which acquires 10,000 points at 16.5 GS/s (60.6 ps resolution). Both the main and MagniVu waveforms are acquired on every trigger and either can be displayed at any time, running or stopped. MagniVu provides significantly finer timing resolution than comparable mixed-signal oscilloscopes on the market, instilling confidence when making critical timing measurements on digital waveforms.

Versatile Trigger and Search

Discovering a device fault is only the first step. Next, users must capture the event of interest to identify root cause. The MSO5104B provides a complete set of triggers - including runt, glitch, width, timeout, transition, pattern, state, setup/hold violation, serial packet, and parallel data - to help quickly find the event.

Visual Trigger

Finding the right characteristic of a complex signal can require hours of collecting and sorting through thousands of acquisitions for the event of interest. Defining a trigger that isolates the desired event and shows data only when the event occurs speeds up this process. Visual Trigger and Search makes the identification of the desired waveform events quick and easy by scanning through all waveform acquisitions and comparing them to on-screen areas (geometric shapes). Areas can be created using a variety of shapes including triangles, rectangles, hexagons, trapezoids, and user specified shapes to fit the area to the particular trigger behavior desired. Set up to eight areas and condition based on Boolean logic conditions.

Navigation and Search

Finding an event of interest in a long waveform record can be time consuming without the right search tools. With today's record lengths pushing beyond a million data points, locating the event can mean scrolling through thousands of screens of signal activity.

The MSO5104B offers the industry's most comprehensive search and waveform navigation with its innovative Wave Inspector controls. These controls speed panning and zooming through the record. With a unique force-feedback system, users can move from one end of the record to the other in just seconds. User marks allow users to mark any location that they may want to reference later for further investigation. Or, automatically search the record for criteria defined by the user. Wave Inspector will instantly search the entire record, including analog, digital, and bus data. Along the way it will automatically mark every occurrence of the defined event so users can quickly move between events. The standard Advanced Search and Mark capability of the MSO5104B can even search for up to eight different events simultaneously and stop a live acquisition when it finds an event of interest, saving even more time.

More Information
BrandRefurb. Tektronix
  • 1 - 1 GHz, 4+16 Channel 10/5 GS/s Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, Refurbished (MSO5104B-U)